Security Signs
custom alarm company and security company yard signs

Typical uses for Badge shaped yard signs are for identifying securities companies, alarm companies and surveillance companies. Businesses like ABC Security Systems will use this Badge style 9” x 9” yard sign to identify the security company that is protecting the property and also serve as advertisement for the company. Our product number for the custom die-cut Badge shape sign is 528W. The above sign was screen printed on polyethylene material using Light Blue and Black UV inks. The Light Blue and Black UV ink and the wording “ABC Security Systems” are for demonstration only. Your custom order of Badge shaped die-cut polyethylene signs can be printed in single or multiple colors using any of our standard 32 UV inks. |
The custom printed Badge shape number #528W sign is not just for securities companies, alarm companies and surveillance companies. We can print any design or company info along with logos on this 9” x 9” Badge shaped sign. If you are in charge of your securities companies, alarm companies and surveillance companies or any other type of business and in need of a custom Badge shape yard sign, use our contact us page for a firm quote on our competitive pricing and discounts. Our best pricing for the month of February is $1.19 each. The Light Blue and Black UV ink is a good contrasting color for our die-cut custom Badge style yard signs and will give your securities companies, alarm companies and surveillance companies many years of outdoor use. This durable material resists cracking, peeling and chipping, even in cold weather climates or hot desert areas! |
Questions on pricing or products, please call 866.660.7446 or email info@deSIGNerySigns.com
Other Sizes and Quantities Available - Email for Pricing Security Yard Signs are suitable for indoor or outdoor use. This durable material resists cracking, peeling and chipping, even in cold weather climates! Signs are designed to be attached to 36" long aluminum stakes (sold separately) with double-sided foam tape. The easy installation requires no screws or tools. Material: Security Yard Signs are made of approximately .055" thick, durable white polyethylene with or without white reflective overlaminate. Production Time: 7 Working Days Color Match: Add $49 per color to be matched. Copy/Color Changes: Copy or color changes may be used to combine lots for quantity savings. $40 per each change. Copy and color changes can not be combined on the same order. Changes must be in multiples of the minimum quantity shown for the item ordered. If more than 5 color or copy changes are needed for your order, contact your customer service representative to review. Holes: Signs are applied to stakes with all-weather foam tape. If holes are required in the signs, add 4¢ per hole, per sign. If drilled stakes are required, contact us for pricing. Art Preparation: There are no art charges for orders with approved digital art. |